
local os = require "os"
local coroutine = require "coroutine"
local namazu_response = require "namazu.response"
local http_status = require "namazu.http.status"
local pagination = require "namazu.pagination"

local hello_world = {}

function hello_world.get_all(payload, request, session)

    response_payload = {
        string_property  = "Hello World!",
        number_property  = 4.2,
        boolean_property = false

    -- Since this method returns a sequence of values, then this is specified as a pagination of values.  The pagination
    -- accepts a table of values

    response_pagination = pagination.of(0, 2, {response_payload, response_payload})

    -- It is possible to formulate a response using either the reserved built-in status codes or the HTTP status codes.
    -- This references the builtin status codes and allows the container to map to HTTP

    return namazu_response.formulate(namazu_response.code.OK, response_pagination)


function hello_world.get(payload, request, session)

    response_payload = {
        string_property  = "Hello World!",
        number_property  = 4.2,
        boolean_property = false

    -- It is possible to formulate a response using either the reserved built-in status codes or the HTTP status codes.
    -- This references the builtin status codes and allows the container to map to HTTP

    return namazu_response.formulate(namazu_response.code.OK, response_payload)


function hello_world.get_async(payload, request, session)

    response_payload = {
        string_property  = "Hello World!",
        number_property  = 4.2,
        boolean_property = false

    print "Yielding immediately"
    reason, elapsed, units = coroutine.yield("IMMEDIATE")
    print(reason, " yielded for ", elapsed, " ", units)

    print "Yielding for one second"
    reason, elapsed, units = coroutine.yield("FOR", 1, "SECONDS")
    print(reason, " yielded for ", elapsed, " ", units)

    time = os.time() + 1
    print("Yielding until ", time, " (in seconds)")
    reason, elapsed, units = coroutine.yield("UNTIL_TIME", time, "SECONDS")
    print(reason, " yielded for ", elapsed, " ", units)

    print("Yielding until cron next cron for \"* * * ? * *\" (once every second)")
    reason, elapsed, units = coroutine.yield("UNTIL_NEXT", "* * * ? * *")
    print(reason, " yielded for ", elapsed, " ", units)

    print("Sending OK Response")

    -- It is possible to formulate a response using either the reserved built-in status codes or the HTTP status codes.
    -- This references the direct use of HTTP status codes

    return namazu_response.formulate(http_status.OK, response_payload)


return hello_world