-- Default main file for the lua appplication. The Lua application's methods and corresponding
-- scripts are provided here. This is nothing more than a mapping of scripts which will be
-- included in the application.
-- Date: 8/8/17
-- Time: 11:21 PM
-- This table determines the HTTP mapping of methods to Lua modules. Modules not specified here
-- will not be mapped to HTTP method calls.
-- A model definition object includes a definition of what an object looks like. The types
-- correspond to the pre-defined lua types. They key in the table is the name of the field
-- and the value is the type of value (eg, string, number). In the cases of complex types,
-- the type a table indicating the type and referenced module object must be used.
local namazu_log = require "namazu.log"
local pagination = require "namazu.pagination"
-- A simple example model which contains primitives
local example_model = require "example.model"
local manifest = {}
manifest.model = {} =
manifest.model.foo_pagination = pagination.manifest_for("foo") =
-- Some tables that are used as resuseable examples
local example_headers = {
["X-MyExampleStringHeader"] = {
description = "An example string header",
type = "string",
["X-MyExampleNumberHeader"] = {
description = "An example number header",
type = "number",
["X-MyExampleBooleanHeader"] = {
description = "An example boolean header",
type = "boolean",
local example_static_headers = {
["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = ""
local example_parameters = {
foo_number = {index=1, type="number"},
bar_number = {index=2, type="number"},
foo_string = {index=3, type="string"},
bar_string = {index=4, type="string"}
-- The security manifest = {
-- Specifies header-based auth schemes
header = {
-- Specifies an auth scheme named "api-key"
["api-key"] = {
-- Describes the auth scheme.
description = "Example Auth Scheme",
-- Includes the specifier for the header itself
spec = {
name = "X-ExampleHeader",
description = "The Example Header Specification",
type = "string"
-- The table containing the HTTP method manifest.
manifest.http = {
-- The simple hello world operation
-- Source code of the module, relative to the project root. The key of the module map is the name of the module
-- as it would be passed to require. In this case it will load example/hello_world.lua for this particular module
-- when in the process of servicing the request
["example.hello_world"] = {
-- The operations contained in the module. This maps the request/respons metadata to various
-- Lua script methods based on the nature of the request/response.
operations = {
get_hello_world_pagination = {
-- Describes the operation which will be relayed to documentation definitions
description = "Example Pagination Operation",
-- The corresponding HTTP verb. Must be one of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS.
-- Note: If left unspecified, HEAD or OPTIONS will revert to a default behavior. Thereby
-- obviating the need to implement those under normal circumstances.
-- In the case of HEAD, a GET request will execute (if available) and then provide the
-- response without the headers.
-- The OPTIONS request will use the operations specified in this manifest file to determine
-- what requests are availble wihtout having to provide a specific implementation.
verb = "GET",
-- The path the server will resolve the module. The path parameters encapsulated in the
-- {} notation and will be used as wildcard-style matching. This example will match
-- any path under /hello_world/ and capture the remaining path componenet in the
-- foo path parameter.
path = "/hello_world",
-- The lua method to call in the module when servicing the request. This will include
-- the get module.
method = "get_all",
-- Specifies which auth schemes are supported by this endpoint.
auth = { "api-key" },
-- Parameters which the request will accept. Parameters may ony specify simple types.
parameters = example_parameters,
-- Specifies the content which will be produced and consumed by the operation. The consumer
-- will consume a model of the supplied type when the content type is provided.
consumes = {
-- Specifies the content-type to match the incoming requests
["application/json"] = {
-- Specifies the model which will be used to service the request
model = "foo",
-- Specifies any additional headers this request may consume
headers = example_headers
produces = {
-- Specifies the content-type to match to the
["application/json"] = {
-- Specifies the model which will be used to service the request
model = "foo_pagination",
-- Specifies any additional headers this request may consume
headers = example_headers,
-- Specifies any options headers, if availble. These will be sent with the
-- response as-is. This is useful for performing operations such as CORS or
-- similar responses.
static_headers = example_static_headers
get_hello_world = {
-- Describes the operation which will be relayed to documentation definitions
description = "Example Operation",
-- The corresponding HTTP verb. Must be one of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS.
-- Note: If left unspecified, HEAD or OPTIONS will revert to a default behavior. Thereby
-- obviating the need to implement those under normal circumstances.
-- In the case of HEAD, a GET request will execute (if available) and then provide the
-- response without the headers.
-- The OPTIONS request will use the operations specified in this manifest file to determine
-- what requests are availble wihtout having to provide a specific implementation.
verb = "GET",
-- The path the server will resolve the module. The path parameters encapsulated in the
-- {} notation and will be used as wildcard-style matching. This example will match
-- any path under /hello_world/ and capture the remaining path componenet in the
-- foo path parameter.
path = "/hello_world/{foo}",
-- The lua method to call in the module when servicing the request. This will include
-- the get module.
method = "get",
-- Parameters which the request will accept. Parameters may ony specify simple types.
parameters = example_parameters,
-- Specifies the content which will be produced and consumed by the operation. The consumer
-- will consume a model of the supplied type when the content type is provided.
consumes = {
-- Specifies the content-type to match the incoming requests
["application/json"] = {
-- Specifies the model which will be used to service the request
model = "foo",
-- Specifies any additional headers this request may consume
headers = example_headers
produces = {
-- Specifies the content-type to match to the
["application/json"] = {
-- Specifies the model which will be used to service the request
model = "foo",
-- Specifies any additional headers this request may consume
headers = example_headers,
-- Specifies any options headers, if availble. These will be sent with the
-- response as-is. This is useful for performing operations such as CORS or
-- similar responses.
static_headers = example_static_headers
get_async_hello_world = {
-- Describes the operation which will be relayed to documentation definitions
description = "Example Async Operation",
-- The corresponding HTTP verb. Must be one of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS.
-- Note: If left unspecified, HEAD or OPTIONS will revert to a default behavior. Thereby
-- obviating the need to implement those under normal circumstances.
-- In the case of HEAD, a GET request will execute (if available) and then provide the
-- response without the headers.
-- The OPTIONS request will use the operations specified in this manifest file to determine
-- what requests are availble wihtout having to provide a specific implementation.
verb = "GET",
-- The path the server will resolve the module. The path parameters encapsulated in the
-- {} notation and will be used as wildcard-style matching. This example will match
-- any path under /hello_world/ and capture the remaining path componenet in the
-- foo path parameter.
path = "/hello_world_async/{foo}",
-- The lua method to call in the module when servicing the request. This will include
-- the get module.
method = "get_async",
-- Parameters which the request will accept. Parameters may ony specify simple types.
parameters = example_parameters,
-- Specifies the content which will be produced and consumed by the operation. The consumer
-- will consume a model of the supplied type when the content type is provided.
consumes = {
-- Specifies the content-type to match the incoming requests
["application/json"] = {
-- Specifies the model which will be used to service the request
model = "foo",
-- Specifies any additional headers this request may consume
headers = example_headers
produces = {
-- Specifies the content-type to match to the
["application/json"] = {
-- Specifies the model which will be used to service the request
model = "foo",
-- Specifies any additional headers this request may consume
headers = example_headers,
-- Specifies any options headers, if availble. These will be sent with the
-- response as-is. This is useful for performing operations such as CORS or
-- similar responses.
static_headers = example_static_headers
manifest.startup = {
["example.startup"] = {
operations = {
run_once = {
method = "run_once"
run_forever = {
method = "run_forever"
manifest.event = {
["example.event"] = {
{module = "example.event", method = "hello_event"},
{module = "example.event", method = "hello_event_again"}
return manifest