
Elements supports the concept of multitenancy, which is the ability to host multiple separate and independent applications from a single shared database of users. This enables your enterprise to publish a suite of applications under one instance of Elements. Such use cases for multiple applications include a series of episodic games, separation of production and testing environments, cross promotion and sharing of digital goods, and the ability to publish multiple similar related applications sharing the back end. For your customers who opt to use user name and password login, this greatly reduces password fatigue and allows you to offer single-sign on to all of your apps.

Each Application is the nexus for all subordinate configurations. It is even possible to support multiple independent iOS/Google Play Application IDs under one Application within elements. This can be useful if your company implements a strategy of using alteranative application IDs for testing or pre-release content.

Application, the following restrictions apply:

  1. There is one and only one repository of script code for executing cloud functions.
  2. There is one and only one endpoint for CDN support.
  3. A single Application may not host the same Google Play, iOS, or other unique application identifier.

Application Configurations

Application configurations add support for features such as Facebook SSO, Firebase push notifications, and Android and iOS IAPs. Application configurations are created and configured from inside the Application editor in the console. The number of required configurations required for each application is

You can see details on Application Configurations and how to set them up in Application Configurations.